Video Recordings of Past Seminars available for purchase

Recordings are available in DVD or VHS (NTSC) format and are approximately two hours in length.

Single tapes @ $25 each, three or more @ $20 each, further discounts considered on a case by case basis.


DEATH:  An Orgonomic Perspective

The nature of dying will be explored from the perspective that Dr. Reich's work gives us in our understanding of our roots in nature.  Death is everywhere feared and mystified.  It is seldom understood as a natural function of the living.  We will explore this basic experience and attempt to place it in its proper relationship to life processes.

Lewis, Schiff 5/17/2003
Orgasm and Society

The function of the orgasm is a central discovery in the work of Dr. Wilhelm Reich.  It is also the centerpiece of orgonomic clinical practice.  It is clear, however, that there is still much misunderstanding about this work and its applications.  Even students of Dr. Reich often mystify this basic function of nature.  This presentation will examine the way society affects and alters this natural bio-energetic function and the impact that this has on our development and behavior.  We will also explore the effect that this has on the success of treatment for emotional and behavioral disturbances.

Lewis, Schiff 4/26/2003
PLAY In Humans and Other Animals:  An Orgonomic Perspective

We will examine the function of play, sexuality, social engagement and health in humans and other animals.  This will build on the small but growing study of play and will show how orgone science can help us to understand the energetic core and social significance of this unique expression of the living.
Lewis, Schiff 12/07/2002
How Orgone Therapy Works

A presentation of the basic clinical practice of orgone therapy.  This "Topics" will examine the actual way that treatment works and will give examples from clinical practice. Questions and answers will be an active part of this event.

Nelson, Lewis

Wilhelm Reich: In his own words

A unique opportunity to listen to Wilhelm Reich M.D. present his basic findings and views on his work.  We will listen to excerpts from recordings of Dr. Reich in seminars on various aspects of his work.  Participants will have a chance to listen and comment.  There will be background and commentary supplied by the presenters.

Lewis, Schiff 05/11/2002
Orgonomy: An Introduction

An overview of the natural science, social science, and clinical practice known as "orgonomy," founded on the work of Wilhelm Reich M.D.  This will cover the full range of this little understood and often misrepresented work.

Lewis, Weitzner 04/06/2002
Self-Regulation and Attachment

This presentation offers a unified model that brings together two of the most important and useful overviews and understandings of childhood development: self-regulation (as elaborated and developed by Wilhelm Reich) and attachment (as articulated and presented by John Bowlby).  This unified model is used to understand adult development and function.

Lewis/Schiff 04/21/2001
The Use of Medications in Orgone Treatment

Dr. Reich was always very clear that the proper use of medications was part of the treatment of any disease.  He was highly critical of the mechanical application of medications to create the illusion of a magical cure.  There has been very little serious examination of the use of drugs from an energetic perspective.  Added to this, many of those who are drawn toward Dr. Reich's work tend to have an "anti-medication bias".  This forum brings together a group of psychiatrists and orgone therapists, all trained in orgonomy, to address this topic from a contemporary vantage.

Lewis, Weitzner, Schiff 03/10/2001
The Mass-Psychology of Fundamentalism

In light of the events of 9/11, but certainly pre-dating our sudden dramatic and tragic awakening to the depth of human psycho-social pathology that fundamentalism of all types represents, it is important to understand and use the work of Dr. Wilhelm Reich in the area that he called "mass-psychology."  This "Topics" will elaborate Dr. Reich's model for understanding destructive sadistic mass-psycho-social processes rooted in the sexually repressive and abusive social and biological order as transmitted through our family systems.  It will expand on this model in an attempt to come to a basic understanding of fundamentalism, whether religious, social, political or even clinical.

Lewis, Schiff 12/01/2001

The Legal Conspiracy against Wilhelm Reich

Jerome Greenfield, author of Wilhelm Reich vs. the USA, speaks about his ongoing research into Reich's entanglements with the US authorities, in particular, Reich's detention as a potential enemy alien at the outset of WWII and the case against Reich and his work instigated by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Greenfield 12/09/2000
Orgone Therapy Lewis, Schiff 11/04/2000
Michael Rothenberg: A Celebration of his Life, Work and Knowledge

Dr. Rothenberg died on January 15, 2000.  He had spent most of his life studying human nature.  He was a pediatrician, a child psychiatrist, and a practicing orgonomist.  His love for science and exploration of nature unified his work in all these areas.  This presentation will look at his life, his work and the legacy of his teaching for those of us who worked with him and continue his work.  There will be tapes of Dr. Rothenberg and personal responses by his co-workers.

Lewis 05/13/2000
Orgone Therapy: An Introduction to Orgonomic Treatment

Will explore the way orgone therapy works: who can benefit from treatment, what they can expect in treatment and what they can expect after a course of treatment.  For the general public but clinical professionals will also benefit.

Lewis 04/15/2000
Rational Parenting: Self-Regulation vs. the Failure of Liberal Parenting and Education

A presentation of the concept of self-regulation as developed and articulated by Wilhelm Reich M.D. and A.S. Neill (child educator, child-development expert, writer and founder of Summerhill School in England).  The presentation will examine the difference between self-regulation and what had become known as "liberal" parenting and education; and will make a case for explaining why and how "liberal" approaches have and must fail.

Lewis 12/18/1999
On Shame: An Orgonomic Perspective

This presentation will concern itself with the nature of shame, an emotion that we have all felt at one time or another.  For some of us this is an emotion that has been the cause of much distress.  What is shame, and how does it affect our psychological and somatic functioning?  How do we in orgonomy understand its role in emotional distress and how do we work with it in orgone therapy?

Lewis, Schiff 11/20/1999
Eating: Energy, Hunger and Food

An orgonomic perspective on hunger and eating as natural energetic behaviors (pulsation) and the origins and treatment of eating disorders; focusing on underlying energetic problems that produce "eating disorders"; anorexia, bulimia, obesity and overeating.

Lewis 10/23/1999
The Magic Bullet - The idea of Cure in the Treatment of Somatic and Psychiatric Illness

For centuries, we have searched for "A CURE" to an illness; a "magic bullet."  The desire for a drug or a treatment that works once and for all eludes us in almost all somatic and psychiatric illness.  Why?  What is the problem with this quest?  Wilhelm Reich offered some valuable insight into this problem.  We will re-examine our dream of "the cure" and the impact it has had on long-term treatment and maintenance of healthy functioning.

Lewis 05/15/1999
Anxiety and Substance Abuse - A Bio-Energetic Investigation

The understanding and treatment of alcohol and drug abuse from an orgonomic perspective.  We will consider the unique approach of orgone therapy in the overall management of this health crisis.  There will be case studies and discussion of long-term treatment and maintenance.

Lewis 04/24/1999
Energy and Medication - An Orgonomic Overview of Psychiatric Medication

How are the effects of psychotropic medications understood within an orgonomic perspective, and what role does medication play in orgonomic treatment?  An examination of the way medication influences energy in the biological organism and its impact on the bio-energetic metabolism, armoring, and orgastic potency of the individual.

Lewis, Schiff 03/13/1999
Public Response to the Work of Wilhelm Reich

A look at the response to the work of Wilhelm Reich, M.D. in his own time, since his death in 1957, and presently.  An examination of the facts, misrepresentations, and misunderstandings about the work and the man.

Lewis 12/12/1998
Our Roots in Nature

A basic presentation and overview of the scientific and clinical work of Wilhelm Reich, M.D.  This is a very good basic introduction to Dr. Reich's work.  Many students also find it a very useful review.

Lewis 11/21/1998
The Orgonomic Management of Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and Depression are understood in orgonomic practice as functionally identical -- different expressions in a particular system of the blocking of energy and the experience of the individual in their social environment.  This leads to major differences with traditional psychiatry in the understanding and management of these conditions.  This presentation will present an orgonomic model for understanding and managing depression and anxiety.

Lewis 10/17/1998
Emotional Plague - Dr. Sobey's Unfinished Lecture Lewis, Rothenberg, Schiff 05/16/1998
Overview of the Work of Wilhelm Reich Lewis 04/25/1998
"Reichian" Therapies Lewis 03/28/1998
The Cancer Biopathy Lewis, Rothenberg, Schiff 12/19/1997
Remembering Dr. Sobey

A gathering of colleagues, students, and former patients to share their experiences and discuss the contributions of the late Victor Sobey, M.D., one of the last students and close associates of Dr. Wilhelm Reich.  Dr. Sobey died on June 5, 1995.  All proceeds of this event will be donated to the Journal of Orgonomic Functionalism and the Wilhelm Reich Museum.

Lewis 10/21/1995
Dr. Victor Sobey #3 Sobey 12/03/1994
Dr. Victor Sobey #2 Sobey 05/14/1994
Dr. Victor Sobey #1 Sobey 10/23/1993